I am a freelance chartered statistician based in Hampshire, UK. Since 2017, I have been providing training, coaching and consultancy. My expertise focuses on Bayesian statistical models, evidence synthesis, data visualisation, health service evaluation, and communication to policy makers.

My clients have included the Cabinet Office, Harvard Medical School, the World Bank, The Economist, and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. I was also a part-time Senior Lecturer on Kingston University's MSc course in Data Science until December 2024.

You can read some vignettes of the freelance work I have done here. You will find my contact details via the menu above. Please note I have no availability for new freelance work.

RSS register of Chartered Statisticians
Photo of Robert

My first book, "Data Visualization: charts, maps and interactive graphics" was published by CRC Press and the American Statistical Society in 2019.

The next is "Bayesian Meta-Analysis: a practical introduction", co-written with Professor Gian Luca di Tanna, scheduled to be published by CRC Press in June 2025. We are launching an accompanying website at bayesian-ma.net.

I programmed the StataStan interface to Stan software for Bayesian inference, and the kudzu package in R and Stata.

I use a wide range of analytical methods: Bayesian, frequentist, likelihood and machine learning. I think that the right tool should be used for each job. My personal philosophical standpoint, which emphasises justified eclecticism, is here.

A list of publications — peer-reviewed papers, commissioned articles, posters, talks, reports — is available via the link above.

Cover of data visualisation book

Cover art by Jill Pelto. jillpelto.com

Previous work

I started my company, BayesCamp, in 2017. Prior to that, I worked on:

  • analysis of clinical audit and hospital performance indicators at the Royal College of Physicians (1998 - 2010) (statistical analysis, project management, committee work, stakeholder engagement, writing, data quality control)
  • project management, meta-analysis and statistical advice on clinical guidelines commissioned by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2000 - 2006) (writing, project management, committee work, stakeholder engagement, critical appraisal and meta-analysis)
  • health services research, clincial trials, epidemiological studies and mixed-methods research at St George's, University of London and Kingston University (2010-2017) (consulting, collaboration, writing, supervising students, teaching, bidding for research funding, presenting findings, methodology, programming, building networks)

I was a member of the Royal Statistical Society's statistical computing committee, and NHS England's National Advisory Group for Clinical Audit and Confidential Enquiries.

Degrees: BSc mathematical sciences (first class honours), diploma in statistics, MSc in medical statistics, PhD "Applications of Bayesian latent variable models to challenges in health and social care data".

Photograph of Robert teaching

Photo by Jasmin Mehovic