I wrote a book called Data Visualization: charts, maps and interactive graphics, which came out in 2018 on CRC Press. You can visit my page for it here.
I am now working on a new book, Bayesian Meta-Analysis: a practical introduction, with Prof. Gian Luca Di Tanna, due out summer 2025 on CRC Press.
The tabs above list outputs by type or topic, in reverse chronological order. Where copyright / confidentiality / contracts permit, you can download copies from this page (look for
), code (
), and data (
I wrote various bits of unpretentious software, which you can find under the "Code repository" tab above. More noteworthy are the kudzu packages, which get their own page, and the Stata command stan, which is available on SSC, and is usually described, in Stan house style, as the StataStan interface (although nowadays we should probably call it CmdStanStata). It has a stan-dev repository at the other place.
ORCID: 0000-0001-9563-9824. My H-index is somewhere in the mid 20s, depending on where you look. My Erdös number is 4, via Andrew Gelman, Terry Speed and Kaipillil Vijayan. Of about equal relevance to anything, I might be a Libra or Scorpio, though I'm not too sure which.
Peer-reviewed scientific papers
- Santos JAR, Grant R, Di Tanna GL. "Bayesian meta-analysis of health state utility values: a tutorial with a practical application on heart failure" Pharmacoeconomics. In press, 2024.
- Santos JA, Riggi E, Grant R, Ingale S, Bhaumik S, Di Tanna GL. "Bayesian approach for meta-analyses in biomedical research: protocol for a scoping review." JBI Evidence Synthesis (2024). doi: 10.11124/JBIES-23-00430
- Grant RL. "Non-parametric Bayesian updating and windowing with kernel density and the kudzu algorithm." International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics (2022); 12(4): 405-28. doi: 10.1504/IJCEE.2022.10044152
- also, see the extended information in the kudzu page
- Wells J, Grant R, Chang J, Kayyali R. "Evaluating the usability and acceptability of a geographical information system (GIS) prototype to visualise socio-economic and public health data". BMC Public Health (2021); 21: 2151.
- Owen E, Williams J, Grant R, Fewtrell M, Davies G, Wallis C. "Growth, body composition and lung function in pre-pubertal children with cystic fibrosis diagnosed by newborn screening". Nutrition in Clinical Practice (2021); 36(6): 1240-6..
- Keating F, Cole L, Grant RL. "An evaluation of group reminiscence arts sessions for people living with dementia in care homes." Dementia (2020); 19(3): 805-21.

- White R, Weekes E, Grant R, Baldwin C and Ahmed H. Determining the Prevalence and Severity of Cancer Cachexia in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and its Relationship with Chemotherapy Outcomes. Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer (2020): 1-8.
- Dodzo W, Grant RL, Forsyth L, Ramdharry GM. A randomised controlled feasibility trial of the Graded Repetitive Arm Strengthening Programme (GRASP) delivered to stroke survivors at home. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation (2020); 27(8): 1-12.

- Hurley MV, Wood J, Smith R, Grant RL, Jordan J, Gage H, Anderson L, Kennedy B, Jones F. The feasibility of increasing physical activity in care home residents: Active Residents in Care Homes (ARCH) programme. Physiotherapy (2020); 107: 50-57.
- Chambers M, McAndrew S, Nolan F, Thomas B, Watts P, Grant RL, Kantaris X. The Therapeutic Engagement Questionnaire (TEQ): a service user-focused mental health nursing outcome metric. BMC Psychiatry (2019); 19: 384.
- Male AJ, Ramdharry GM, Grant RL, Davies RA, Beith ID. A survey of current management of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) by physiotherapists’ interested in vestibular rehabilitation in the UK. Physiotherapy (2019); 105(3): 307-314.
- Dimidi E, Cox C, Grant R, Scott SM, Whelan K. Perceptions of constipation among the general public and people with constipation differ strikingly from those of general and specialist doctors and the Rome IV criteria. American Journal of Gastroenterology (2019); 114(7): 1116-1129.
- Belogianni K, Ooms A, Nikoletou D, Moir H, Makris D, Grant R. "Rationale and design of an online educational programme using game-based learning to improve nutrition and physical activity outcomes among university students in the UK." Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2019); 38(1): 23-30.
- Grant RL. The uptake of Bayesian methods in biomedical meta-analyses: a scoping review, 2005-2016. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (2019); 12(1): 69-75.

- Mein G, Grant R. "A cross-sectional exploratory analysis between pet ownership, sleep, exercise, health and neighbourhood perceptions: the Whitehall II cohort study" BMC Geriatrics (2018); 18: 176.
- Agrawal R et al. "Global variations and challenges with tubercular uveitis in the Collaborative Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS)-1." Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (2018); 59(10): 4162-71.
- Hurley M, Dickson K, Walsh N, Hauari H, Grant RL, Cumming J, Oliver S. Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with chronic hip and knee pain: a mixed methods review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2018).
- Sims S, Davies N, Schnitzler K, Levenson R, Mayer F, Grant R, Brearley S, Gourlay S, Ross F, Harris R. "A realist synthesis of intentional rounding in hospital wards: Exploring the evidence of what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why". BMJ Quality & Safety, online ahead of print.
- Ramdharry GM, Reilly‐O'Donnell L, Grant RL, Reilly MM. "Frequency and circumstances of falls for people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: a cross sectional survey". Physiotherapy Research International (2018); 23(2): e1702.
- Perrin E, Jackson M, Grant R, Lloyd C, Chinaka F, Goh V. "Weight-adapted iodinated contrast media administration in abdomino-pelvic CT: Can image quality be maintained?" Radiography (2018); 24(1): 22-27. doi: 10.1016/j.radi.2017.08.011
- Norris M, Hammond JA, Williams A, Grant R, Naylor S, Rozario C. "Individual student characteristics and attainment in pre-registration physiotherapy: a retrospective multi-site cohort study". Physiotherapy (2018); 104(4): 446--452.

- Halter M, Joly L, de Lusignan S, Grant RL, Gage H, Drennan VM. "Capturing complexity in clinician case-mix : classification system development using GP and Physician Associate data." BJGP Open (2018); bjgpopen18X101277.
- Reed E, Todd J, Lawton S, Grant RL, Sadler C, Berg J, Lucas C, Watson M. "A multi-professional educational intervention to improve and sustain respondents’ confidence to deliver palliative care: A mixed-methods study". Palliative Medicine (2018); 32(2): 571-580.

- Teodoro T, Meppelink AM, Little S, Grant R, Nielsen G, Macerollo A, Pareés I, Edwards MJ. "Abnormal beta power is a hallmark of explicit movement control in functional movement disorders". Neurology (2018); 90(3): e247-e253.
- Agrawal R, Grant R, Gupta B, Gunasekaran DV, González-López JJ, Addison P, Westcott M, Pavesio CE. "What does IGRA testing add to the diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis? A Bayesian latent class analysis." BMC Ophthalmology (2017); 17: 245. doi:10.1186/s12886-017-0597-x.

- Wheeler C, Halter M, Drennan VM, de Lusignan S, Grant RL, Gabe J, Gage H, Begg P, Ennis J, Parle J. "Physician associates working in secondary care teams in England: Interprofessional implications from a national survey". Journal of Interprofessional Care (2017); 31(6): 774-776. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2017.1341390.
- Agrawal R, Gunasekeran DV, Grant RL, et al. "Clinical Features and Outcomes of Patients With Tubercular Uveitis Treated With Antitubercular Therapy in the Collaborative Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS)-1" JAMA Ophthalmology (2017); 135(12): 1318-1327. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2017.4485.
- Irene Tuffrey-Wijne et al. "Communicating about death and dying: developing training for staff working in services for people with intellectual disabilities". Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (2017); 30(6): 1099-1110.
- Halter M, Wheeler C, Drennan VM, de Lusignan S, Grant RL, Gabe J, Gage H, Ennis J, Parle J. "Physician associates in England's hospitals: a survey of medical directors exploring current usage and factors affecting recruitment." Clinical Medicine (2017); 17(2): 126-31.
- Harris R, Sims S, Levenson R, Gourlay S, Ross F, Davies N, Brearley S, Favato G, Grant RL. "What aspects of intentional rounding work in hospital wards, for whom and in what circumstances? A realist evaluation protocol". BMJ Open (2017); 7: e014776.
- Grant RL, Hood R. "Complex systems, explanation and policy: implications of the crisis of replication for public health research" Critical Public Health (2017); 27(5): 525-532.

- Anderson C, Grant RL, Hurley MV. "Exercise facilities for neurologically disabled populations: Perceptions from the fitness industry". Disability and Health Journal 10 (1), 157-162.
- Grant RL, Furr DC, Carpenter R, Gelman A. "Fitting Bayesian item response models in Stata and Stan". (2016) ArXiv:1601.03443v1 [Stat.CO]. Stata Journal (2017); 17(2): 343-57.

- Grant RL, Furr DC, Carpenter R, Gelman A. "Introducing the StataStan interface for fitting fast and flexible Bayesian models using Stan". Stata Journal (2017); 17(2): 330-42.

- Hood R, Grant RL, Jones RL, Goldacre A. A study of performance indicators and Ofsted ratings in English child protection services. Children and Youth Services Review (2016); 67: 50–56.

- Ramdharry GM, Pollard AJ, Grant RL, Dewar EL, Laura M, Moore SA, Hallsworth K, Ploetz T, Trenell MI and Reilly MM. A study of physical activity comparing people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease to normal control subjects. Disability and Rehabilitation (2017); 39: 1753-8. doi 10.1080/09638288.2016.1211180
- Hood R, Goldacre A, Grant RL and Jones RL. Exploring Demand and Provision in English Child Protection Services. British Journal of Social Work (2016); 46 (4): 923-941.

- Gale J, Ooms A, Grant RL, Paget K, Marks-Maran D. Student nurse selection and predictability of academic success: The Multiple Mini Interview project. Nurse Education Today (2016); 40: 123-127.

- Kee AR, González-López JJ, Al-Hity A, Gupta B, Lee CS, Gunasekeran DV, Jayabalan N, Grant RL, Kon OM, Gupta V, Westcott M, Pavesio CE, Agrawal R. Anti-tubercular therapy for intraocular tuberculosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Survey of Ophthalmology (2016); 61(5): 628-653.
- Nikoletou D, Man WDC, Mustfa N, Moore J, Rafferty G, Grant RL, Johnson L, Moxham J. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a home-based inspiratory muscle training programme in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using multiple inspiratory muscle tests. Disability and Rehabilitation (2016); 38(3): 250-9.
- Jones F, Gage H, Drummond A, Bhalla A, Grant RL, Lennon S, McKevitt C, Riazi A, Liston M. "A feasibility study of an integrated stroke self-management programme: a cluster randomised controlled trial". BMJ Open (2016); 6: e008900.
- Agrawal R, Gupta B, González-López JJ, Cardoso J, Triantafullopoulou I, Grant RL, Addison PKF, Westcott M, Pavesio CE. "Spectrum of choroidal involvement in presumed ocular tuberculosis: Report from a population with low endemic setting for tuberculosis". Ocular Immunology and Inflammation (2017); 25(1): 97-104.
- Agrawal R, Gonzalez JJ, Cardoso J, Gupta B, Grant RL, Addison P, Westcott M, Pavesio C. "Predictive factors for treatment failure in patients with presumed ocular tuberculosis with positive interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) in an area of low endemic prevalence". British Journal of Ophthalmology (2016); 100(3): 348-55. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2014-306474.
- Ramdharry G, Dudziec M, Tropman D, Dewar E, Wallace A, Laura M, Grant RL, Reilly M. Exploring the causes of falls and balance impairments in people with Charcot-Marie Tooth disease Physiotherapy; 101: e1255.
- Koskela SA, Jones F, Clarke N, Anderson L, Kennedy B, Grant RL, Gage H, Hurvey MV. Active Residents in Care Homes (ARCH): study protocol to investigate the implementation and outcomes of a whole-systems activity programme in residential care homes for older people. Physiotherapy (2017); 103(1): 113-120.
- Drennan VM, Halter M, Joly L, Gage H, Grant RL, Gabe J, Brearley S, Carneiro W, de Lusignan S. Physician associates and GPs in primary care: a comparison. British Journal of General Practice (2015); 65(634): e344-e350.
- Hammond J, Dakin C, White H, Treadwell E, Grant R. Ten Years On: The Long Term Impact of Widening Participation Healthcare Summer Schools. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (2015); 17(4): 49-66.
- Ramdharry GM, Pollard A, Anderson C, Laurá M, Murphy SM, Dudziec M, Dewar EL, Hutton E, Grant RL, Reilly MM. A Pilot Study of Proximal Strength Training in Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System (2014); 19(4): 328-332.
- Nikoletou D, Rafferty G, Man WD-C, Mustfa N, Donaldson N, Grant RL, Johnson L, Moxham J. Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: learning effect and short-term between-session repeatability. Respiration (2014); 88: 365-370. doi: 10.1159/000365998
- Drennan V, Halter M, Brearley S, Carneiro W, Gabe J, Gage H, Grant R, Joly L, de Lusignan S. Investigating the contribution of physician assistants to primary care in England: a mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research (2014); 2 (16). doi: 10.3310/hsdr02160
- Drennan VM, Grant RL, Harris R. Trends over time in prescribing by English primary care nurses: a secondary analysis of a national prescription database. BMC Health Services Research (2014); 14: 54. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-14-54.
- Grant RL. Converting odds ratios to a range of plausible relative risks for better communication of research findings. British Medical Journal (2014); 348: f7450. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f7450
- Grant RL, Drennan VM, Rait G, Petersen I, Iliffe S. First diagnosis and management of incontinence in older people with and without dementia in primary care: a cohort study using The Health Improvement Network primary care database. PLoS Medicine (2013); 10(8): e1001505. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001505.

- Halter M, Drennan VM, Chattopadhyay K, Carneiro W, Yiallouros J, de Lusignan S, Gage H, Gabe J, Grant RL. The contribution of Physician Assistants in primary care: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research (2013); 13: 223. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-223
- Bowling A, Hankins M, Windle G, Bilotta C, Grant RL. A short measure of quality of life in older age: the performance of the brief Older People's Quality Of Life questionnaire (OPQOL-brief). Archives of Geriatrics and Gerontology (2013); 56(1): 181-187.
- Harris R, Ooms A, Grant RL, Marshall-Lucette S, Chu CSF, Sayer J, Burke L. Equality of employment opportunities for nurses at the point of qualification: an exploratory study. International Journal of Nursing Studies (2013); 50(3): 303-313.
- Drennan VM, Cole L, Rait G, Grant RL, Iliffe S. The prevalence of incontinence in people with cognitive impairment or dementia living at home: a systematic review. Neurourology and Urodynamics (2013); 32(4): 314-324.
- Jones RL, Hood R, Bhanbhro S, Grant RL. The definition and deployment of differential professional competencies and characteristics in multi-professional health and social care teams. Health and Social Care in the Community (2013); 21(1): 47-58.
- Drennan VM, Porter E, Grant RL. Graduates from dual qualification courses, registered nurse and health visitor: A career history study. Nurse Education Today (2013); 33(8): 925-930.
- Corner EJ, Wood H, Englebretsen C, Thomas A, Grant RL, Nikoletou D, Soni N. The Chelsea Critical Care Physical Assessment Tool (CPAx): Validation of an innovative new tool to measure physical morbidity in the general adult critical care population; an observational proof of concept pilot study. Physiotherapy (2013); 99(1): 33-41.
- Banerjee J, Benger J, Treml J, Martin FC, Grant RL, Lowe D, Potter J, Husk J. The National Falls and Bone Health Audit: implications for UK emergency care. Emergency Medicine Journal (2012); 29(10): 830-832.
- Mein G, Grant RL, Johal S, Seale C, Ashcroft R, Tinker A. Predictors of two forms of attrition in a longitudinal health study involving ageing participants: An analysis based on the Whitehall II study. BMC Medical Research Methodology (2012); 12: 164.
- Rudarakanchana, N et al. Current practice of carotid endarterectomy in the UK British Journal of Surgery (2012); 99(2): 209-216.
- Grant, RL and Bowling, A. Challenges in comparing the quality of life of older people between ethnic groups, and the implications for national well-being indicators: a secondary analysis of two cross-sectional surveys. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2011); 9(109).
- Bhanbhro S, Drennan VM, Grant RL, Harris R. Assessing the impact and outcomes of prescribing in primary care by nurses and professionals allied to medicine: a review of literature. BMC Health Services Research (2011); 11: 330.
- Edwards R, Martin FC, Grant R, Lowe D, Potter J, Husk J, Wagg A. Is urinary continence considered in the assessment of older people after a fall in England and Wales? Cross-sectional clinical audit results. Maturitas (2011); 69(2): 179-183.
- Latimer N, Lord J, Grant RL, O'Mahony R, Dickson J, Conaghan PG. Value of information in the osteoarthritis setting: cost-effectiveness of COX-2 selective inhibitors, traditional NSAIDs and proton pump inhibitors. Pharmacoeconomics (2011); 29(3): 225-237.
- Williams S, Rogers CA, Peel P, Harvey SB, Henderson M, Madan I, Smedley J and Grant RL. Measuring how well the NHS looks after its own staff: methodology of the first national clinical audits of occupational health services in the NHS. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice (2012); 18(2): 283-289.
- Goodwin V, Martin FC, Husk J, Lowe D, Grant RL and Potter J. The national clinical audit of falls and bone health: secondary prevention of falls and fractures: a physiotherapy perspective. Physiotherapy (2010); 96(1): 38-43.
- Rudd AG, Hoffman A, Grant RL, Campbell JT and Lowe D. Stroke thrombolysis in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: how much do we do and how much do we need? Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (2010); 82(1): 14-19.
- Latimer N, Lord J, Grant RL, O'Mahony R, Dickson J and Conaghan PG. Cost effectiveness of COX-2 selective inhibitors and traditional NSAIDs alone or in combination with a proton pump inhibitor for people with osteoarthritis. British Medical Journal (2009); 339: b2538.
- Youde J, Husk J, Lowe D, Grant RL, Potter J and Martin FC. The national clinical audit of falls and bone health: the clinical management of hip fracture patients. Injury (2009); 40(11): 1226-1230.
- Rudd AG, Jenkinson D, Grant RL and Hoffman A. Staffing levels and patient dependence in English stroke units. Clinical Medicine (2009); 9(2): 110-115.
- Halliday AW, Lees T, Kamugasha D, Grant RL, Hoffman A, Rothwell PM, Potter JF, Horrocks M, Naylor R and Rudd AG. Waiting times for carotid endarterectomy in UK: observational study. British Medical Journal (2009); 338: b1847.
- Balasegaram S, Grant RL, Ormerod P, Mant J, Hayward J, Lowe D and Story A. A survey of tuberculosis clinic provision in England and Wales. Public Health (2008); 122(6): 602-612.
- Manyemba J, Batty GM, Grant RR [sic], Lowe D, Potter JM, Pearson MG, Jackson SHD. Prescription of paracetamol-containing medications as indicator of quality of prescribing. Age and Ageing (2007); 36(5): 582-4.
- Batty GM, Grant RL, Aggarwal R, Lowe D, Potter JM, Pearson MG, Jackson SH. National clinical sentinel audit of evidence-based prescribing for older people. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (2004); 10(2): 273-9.
- Batty GM, Grant RL, Aggarwal R, Lowe D, Potter JM, Pearson MG, Jackson SH. Using prescribing indicators to measure the quality of prescribing to elderly medical in-patients. Age and Ageing (2003); 32(3): 292-8.
- Grant RL, Batty GM, Aggarwal R, Lowe D, Potter JM, Pearson MG, Oborne A, Jackson SHD. National sentinel clinical audit of evidence-based prescribing for older people: methodology and development. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (2002); 8(2): 189-198.
Self-published papers
These are a mixture of white papers written for BayesCamp, academic papers that were underway when I left academia, and old blog posts that I thought were worth saving.
- Bayesian item-response theory models for educational assessment data BayesCamp white paper, 2022.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except pseudo-code which is released under The Unlicense.
- A taxonomy of thresholds used to dichotomise outcomes, and their inclusion in Bayesian meta-analysis BayesCamp white paper, 2022.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
- A personal philosophical standpoint for the practice of statistical inference. Self-published, 2022-present.
- How to set up a Jupyter server for teaching with R. Self-published, 2020-23. Now no longer available online as it has become (dangerously) superceded by changes to Jupyter and other security functions.
- Five levels of analytical automation, 2019.
- Randomisation tests to compare dependent correlations: simulation study. Self-published, 2019.
- How (not) to introduce newcomers to Bayesian analysis. Self-published, 2018.
- Statistical methods accounting for human coding habits in databases. Self-published, 2018.
- Retrospective power revisited: a Bayesian false non-significance rate. Self-published, 12 April 2018.
Please note that it is the nature of articles commissioned (not peer-reviewed) by a magazine or journal to be edited prior to publication without the author's input.
- Establishing Your Role in Data Visualization. AmStat News, 2 September 2024.
- Pretty Persuasion: the advantages of data visualisation. Impact, Autumn 2019: 19-23.
- Calculate and communicate. Significance, December 2018: 42-4.
- Response to "Beyond subjective and objective in statistics" by Andrew Gelman and Christian Hennig. JRSS (Series A) (2017); 180(4): 967-1033.
- "Statistical literacy in the data science workplace". Robert Grant, Statistics Education Research Journal, June 2017.
- Response to "DfE [department for education] turns to big data to warn of Ofsted inadequate rating risk". Children and Young People Now, 22 November 2016.

- Contribution to: "Veto on the use of null hypothesis testing and p intervals: right or wrong?", Taylor & Francis editor resources online, 16 November 2015. No longer available online; for my PDF print of it, click on the document icon
- Robert Grant & Jim Parle. "How to assess quality in primary care". BMJ editorial, 6 November 2015.
- Robert Grant. "How will introductory statistics teaching change? Lessons from ICOTS" StatsLife, 29 September 2015.
- Contribution to: Flanagan O. "Journal's ban on null hypothesis significance testing: reactions from the statistical arena", StatsLife, 4 March 2015.
- Robert L Grant and Ahmed A Younis. "Individualised project assessments in statistics — the best of both worlds?" In K Makar, B de Sousa, & R Gould (Eds.), "Sustainability in statistics education. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS9, July 2014), Flagstaff, Arizona, USA". Voorburg, The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute. iase-web.org

- RL Grant. The healthcare perspective on data sharing. StatsLife, 8 September 2014.
- Various book reviews for Significance magazine
- Hurley M, Dickson K, Walsh N, Hauari H, Grant RL, Cumming J, Oliver S. (2013) Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with chronic hip and knee pain: a mixed methods review. Cochrane Library protocols.
- Robert Grant. (2013) Graphics with a cause. Radical Statistics; Issue 109: 38-50.
- Robert Grant. (2013) Nathan Yau: a life in statistics. Significance; 10(1): 32-35.
- Response to "Statistical methods for healthcare regulation: rating, screening and surveillance" by David Spiegelhalter et al, read before the Royal Statistical Society, London. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A) 2012; 175(1):1-47.
- Conaghan PG , Dickson J, Grant RL. (2008) Care and management of osteoarthritis in adults: summary of NICE guidance. British Medical Journal; 336(7642): 502-503
- Grant R, Procter-King J, Higgins B. Pharmacological therapies for essential hypertension: updated NICE guidance. Primary Health Care (2008); 18 (7): 32.
- Grant, Robert L. (2008) Detecting, treating, controlling and preventing tuberculosis: developing the NICE guidelines. Primary Health Care; 18(2).
Posters & talks
- "Scalable high-dimensional non-parametric density estimation, with Bayesian applications", Stata Conference, London, UK, 12 September 2024.
- "Scalable high-dimensional non-parametric density estimation, with Bayesian applications", Royal Statistical Society (RSS) conference, Brighton, Sussex, UK, 2-5 September 2024.
- "Scalable high-dimensional density estimation for non-parametric Bayesian model updating in big data", Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Portland, Oregon, USA, 5-8 August 2024.
- "Scalable high-dimensional non-parametric density estimation, with Bayesian applications", Stata Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1-2 August 2024.
- "Scalable non-parametric Bayesian updating with smoothed density trees", International Society of Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) world meeting, Ca'Foscari University, Venice, 1-5 July 2024.
- "Living Systematic Reviews and Prospective Meta Analysis: a call-of-duty for Bayesian analysis" Gian Luca Di Tanna, Anthony Paulo Sunjaya, Joseph Alvin Santos, Soumyadeep Bhaumik, Robert Grant. Engaging Evidence 2021, 9 Nov 2021.
- "A bird's-eye view of Bayesian sopftware in 2021: opportunities for Stata?" London Stata Conference, 9 September 2021.
- "Evidence and public health policy in complex systems: a view from the UK after(?) COVID-19", Robert Grant and Rick Hood. International WebWorkshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics, 2 July 2021.
- "Essentials of Data Visualisation". Pre-conference free course at Young Statisticians' Meeting 2020, online, 28 July 2020.
- "Non-parametric Bayesian updating", International WebWorkshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics, 2 July 2020.
- "Data Visualisation", OXSTAT lunchtime lecture, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford. 27 January 2020.
- "Introduction to Stan". Half day course at Bayes Comp 2020, University of Florida. 6 January 2020.
- "Strictly Come Visualising". RSS Glasgow group meeting, University of Strathclyde. 2 December 2020.
- "Interactive graphics in the web browser using Stata2D3 and Stata's SVG graph exports" R Grant, TP Morris. London Stata Conference, 6 September 2019.
- Authors' panel at "Stats the way to write it!" RSS conference, Belfast, 4 September 2019
- Response to James Nicholson and Jim Ridgway in the session "Recent innovations in school statistics", RSS conference, Belfast, 3 September 2019.
- "Probability Distributions Hate Him", poster on non-parametric Bayesian updating at StanCon, 22-23 August 2019, Cambridge.
- Data visualisation for Bayesian model development. Bayes at Lund, Lund University, Sweden. 3 May 2019.
- Keynote address: "Thoughtful data analysis", 3rd annual meeting of the Amsterdam Public Health research Institute, Johan Cruyff Stadium, Netherlands. 22 November 2018.
- "Extending Stata graphics via SVG manipulation commands" R Grant, TP Morris. United Kingdom Stata Users' Group Meeting 2017
- "Not enough meta-anlyses use Bayesian methods", keynote talk at 5th International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics, CNR-IRCRES, Rome, June 2017.
- "Predicting treatment failure in ocular TB", lunchtime seminar at Kingston and St George's, 25 May 2017.
- "Growth, body composition and lung function in pre-pubertal children with cystic fibrosis diagnosed via newborn screening", Elizabeth Owen, Robert Grant, Colin Wallis, Jane Williams. European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Seville, June 2017.
- "A survey of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) management by physiotherapists interested in vestibular rehabilitation within the United Kingdom", Amanda Male et al. European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Liverpool, November 2016.
- "Learning to manage Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo–preferred methods, challenges and recommendations of physiotherapists interested in vestibular rehabilitation", Amanda Male et al
- "Evaluation and validation of the multiple mini-interviews to select B.Sc. nursing student applicants", Ann Ooms et al, American Educational Research Association annual meeting 2016
- "A Correlation between Rate of Change in Overall Patient Function and Survival, for Hospice Inpatients during their Final Weeks: An Observational Study and Development of a Multi-professional Prognostic Tool", Craig Gannon et al
- "StataCpp: a simple interface between Stata and C++ with big data and machine learning applications", London Stata users' group, Cass Business School, 8-9 September 2016
- Is Cancer Cachexia Associated with A Poorer Outcome to Palliative Chemotherapy in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients? White R, Weekes C, Grant R, Ahmed H. 2016 Congress of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Copenhagen.
- Can occupational therapists use video technology to assess a patient's home after stroke? Walmsley N, Harris R, Bhalla A, Grant RL.
- "It's opened my eyes to what holistic care really is": poster on the European Certificate of Essential Palliative Care skills. Craig Gannon et al, Palliative Care Congress, Glasgow, March 2016.
- "The quest for the magic number". Faculty seminar, Kingston and St George's, 3 December 2015.
- "Online interactive graphs", seminar, RSS Manchester group, University of Manchester, 21 October 2015
- "Online interactive graphs", seminar, Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit, London, 28 September 2015
- "Fast Bayesian modeling in Stan using the StataStan program", London Stata users' group, Cass Business School, 10-11 September 2015
- "Does IGRA test add to the diagnosis of latent mycobacterium tuberculosis alongside clinical signs and proxy measures of exposure? A Bayesian latent class analysis for ocular involvement." Presented by Rupesh Agrawal, 13th Congress of the International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) & Foster Ocular Immunology Society (FOIS), San Francisco, 25-27 September 2015.
- "People’s Views, Beliefs and Experiences of Exercise for Chronic Hip and Knee Pain: A Cochrane Review with Qualitative Synthesis" Mike Hurley, Kelly Dickson, Hanan Hauari, Nicola Walsh, Sandy Oliver, Jo Cumming and Robert Grant, Rheumatology 2015.
- "The Physical and Psychosocial Effects of Exercise on Chronic Hip and Knee Pain: A Cochrane Review with Meta-Analysis" Mike Hurley, Nicola Walsh, Sandy Oliver, Kelly Dickson, Hanan Hauari, Jo Cumming and Robert Grant, Rheumatology 2015.
- On inference in complex systems. Presentation at International Workshop on computational economics and econometrics, Rome, 28-29 May 2015
- Seminar on data visualization trends and tools, at IRCRES, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, 25 May 2015
- Visualising data: a statistician's journey. RSS Glasgow + OR Society Scotland, Strathclyde University, 23 April 2015.
- Visualising data: a statistician's journey. University of Leicester seminar, 26 March 2015.
- Seminar at Kingston University on Bayesian latent variable models for imperfect healthcare data, 18 March 2015
- Can interactive online data visualization help us communicate uncertainty? at Communicating and Calculating Uncertainty, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), jointly organised by University of Southampton, DSTL and BIS, February 2015.
- Woodbridge H, Hickson M, Stotz M, Morgan G, Grant RL. "Is it safe to mobilise patients on an adult intensive care unit who require continuous inotrope and/or vasopressor infusions?" European Society for Intensive Care Medicine, 27th Annual Congress, Barcelona, 2014. Intensive Care Medicine (2014); 40(S1):S139.
- "Making interactive online visualisations with stata2d3 and stata2leaflet", Stata Users' Group, London UK, 11-12 September 2014.
- Data visualisation, 17 September 2014, Royal Statistical Society, Northern Ireland regional meeting, Belfast
- Organiser and chair of "Checking and cleaning in big data", invited speakers' session at RSS conference, Sheffield, UK, 1-4 September 2014.
- "Bayesian meta-analysis combining studies reporting mean differences and studies reporting odds ratios or relative risks to achieve a threshold", Joint Statistical Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 2-7 August 2014
- "Making interactive online visualisations with stata2d3 and stata2leaflet", Stata conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 31 July - 1 August 2014
- "Individualised project assessments in statistics - the best of both worlds?", International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-9), Flagstaff, Arizona, 13-18 July 2014. Contributed paper C188.
- "Bayesian structural equation models to synthesize diverse evidence sources", invited speaker, International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics, Rome, 26-27 June 2014
- Hertfordshire Business School seminar series, 4 June 2014, Data visualization: a statistician's journey
- Visualising data: trends and tools, 24 April 2014, Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership seminar series for national clinical audit teams, London
- "Pretty persuasion: tools and trends in data visualization from a statistician's perspective", Royal Statistical Society meeting on visualization, 11 March 2014.
- "A multiple imputation and coarse data approach to residually confounded regression models", 13th Stata Users' Group meeting, London 12-13 September 2013.
- "Audiblization / sonification of data: What are people doing and is R a good launchpad for it?", LondonR meeting, 10 September 2013
- "A multiple imputation and coarse data approach to residually confounded regression models", Royal Statistical Society conference, Newcastle upon Tyne 2-5 September 2013.
- "A multiple imputation approach to obtain causal effects under residual confounding, using coarse data models", First UK Causal Inference Meeting (UK-CIM), Manchester 14 May 2013.
- "Research careers in statistics" invited discussion group with graduate students at Clare Hall, Cambridge, 6 March 2013.
- "Producing animated graphs in R without having to learn any other software" 4 December 2012, LondonR meeting.
- "Producing animated graphs in Stata without having to learn any other software" 13 September 2012, Stata users' group meeting, London.
- Grant RL, Mein G. Poster presentation "Two forms of attrition in a longitudinal health study involving ageing participants, and their predictors: insights from Whitehall II". At the Royal Statistical Society conference, Telford, September 2012.
- "Beyond the league table: new methods for analysing comparative healthcare performance" Masterclass at Royal College of Physicians of London, 12 September 2011.
- "Experiences and lessons learnt from bootstrapping predictions from random effects" 15 September 2011, Stata users' group, Cass Business School, London.
- Hamm K, Beith I, Ramdharry G, Waygood S, Grant R. (2011) Can we predict attrition and academic success in pre-qualifying physiotherapy programmes? Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy; 20-23 June 2011, Amsterdam.
- Riglin J, Buttery A, Husk J, Grant R, Martin F, Potter J. "Examining older people's experiences of falls prevention services." Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy; 20-23 June 2011, Amsterdam.
- Nikoletou D, Rafferty G, Grant R, Moxham J. (2011) The short-term, between-session reproducibility of sniff nasal pressure (SnPnas) in COPD patients; implications for baseline measurements prior to rehabilitation programmes. Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy; 20-23 June 2011, Amsterdam
- Grant RL. Poster presentation "Composite performance indicators: bringing uncertainty out into the open". At the "Visualisation and Presentation in Statistics" conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 18 May 2011.
- Developing the NICE Guidelines on Tuberculosis, Royal Society of Medicine, 2006