Freelance vignettes
This page summarises a few examples of the work I have done for various clients since 2017. You can also obtain my CV as PDF here.
The Economist: transferred the sports and data team's golf model to Bayes in the cloud
Applying Bayesian modelling, project management, and coding
- Worked alongside client to understand their bespoke predictive model code in depth
- brought in sports modelling expert as third opinion to check that the model and output would match state-of-the-art standards
- used specialised knowledge of Stan software, as one of the Stan development team, to implement the predictive model efficiently to run in the cloud and supply outputs overnight to front-end developers' requirements
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: developed data confidentiality policy
Applying statistics expertise, health care data experience, and inter-personal skills
- Reviewed client's policy for redacting small numbers in publications and how it was implemented in various project procedures
- met with stakeholders to identify priorities and risk-benefit balance for the client
- wrote options paper and presented to stakeholders to agree common organisation-wide policy for data and statistical confidentiality
- drew on general statistical expertise to review current developments in privacy-preserving data sharing and publishing
A contract research organisation in life sciences: getting team ready to use Bayesian and likelihood methods for research planning
Applying statistics expertise, consulting, training, and health care data experience
- Met team leaders to understand context of team's work in clinical trials
- proposed a plan for upskilling the team through training workshops, conceptual and coding practice exercises, and tutorial discussions
- monitored and followed up with team members in the context of their roles and strategic goals until they were ready to roll out the service
National Neonatal Audit Programme: transferring data analysis programming from legacy contractor's code
Applying statistics expertise, health care data experience, coding, and consulting
- Conducted a line-by-line review of partly documented legacy code (in R) from a former contractor
- Met analysis team and stakeholders to identify priorities for future-proofing and updating functionality
- Wrote options paper, presented to team and advisory committee, and obtained sign-off on three approaches to try in order of preference
- Translated code to client's analytical software (Stata), developed theoretical justification to correct one problem in the legacy code, reduce burden on team, and allow for client modifications in future
- Worked with the lead analyst to road-test my new code on real patient data, on-site and securely
- Produced complete documentation of Stata commands (user-friendly interface), as well as underlying calculations
National Joint Registry: review quality of two providers and advise
Applying statistics expertise, health care data experience, coding, consulting, and inter-personal skills
- Reviewed methods used by two contractors to the client to assemble, curate, clean, analyse, and report sensitive surgical data
- Conducted a line-by-line review of source code
- Met and interviewed contractors with respect for the confidentiality of their relationships with NJR
- Wrote report and recommendations, presented to steering group to facilitate discussion and agreement of options, leading to creation of a new technical oversight group
- Recruited independent health care statistics expert to serve on new technical oversight group
- Briefed first meeting of new technical oversight group as handover
Cabinet Office: data visualisation training
Applying consulting, training, statistics expertise, and communication
- Consulted with client to establish communication needs and concerns of various teams, and their stakeholders
- Worked throughout to highest standards of professional confidentiality
- Delivered interactive training workshops and coaching sessions on-site
- Left analytical teams with a shared terminology and basic visual communication standards, later used in 2020 by team members seconded to produce Prime Minister's daily COVID briefings